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You Don’t Have To Do It All Yourself

Avatar for John Locke

John Locke is a SEO consultant from Sacramento, CA. He helps manufacturing businesses rank higher through his web agency, Lockedown SEO.

There’s something many of us are guilty of that we need to quit doing.

We live in a culture that encourages us to do everything ourselves, even if we’re not the best person for the task.

We’re constantly told to work on the things we’re weakest at.

We buy into the fallacy that we’re deficient unless we can do everything by ourselves.

Well, that’s a crock.

The most successful people not only ask for help with things they ‘t strong at, they ask all the time.

Stop beating your head against the wall trying to slog through an arduous tasks. Ask someone for help and get it done quicker and better than you could by yourself.

Internalized Beliefs

Part of the problem is how we’re taught to think about ourselves.

We allow ourselves to feel guilty if we’re not mastering everything under the sun. But a lot of this pain is self-inflicted.

Of all the competitors we have, the one we can never beat is the one inside our head.

It’s easy to compare our own lives to the stories we hear of people hustling twenty hours a day, seven days a week. In web development, we hear stories of multidisciplinary geniuses who are good at many things, not just one.

We compare our mundane lives to our entrepreneurial heroes. We feel like we have to walk in the same path that they did, instead of forging our own path.

We are consumed by the need to compare ourselves to others. This is not healthy.

Your Path Is Unique

Everyone’s path to success is unique.

What worked for your heroes of business may not work for you. Your strengths and weaknesses are different from theirs. Circumstances surrounding their rise to success are different from the ones you will face.

Know your strengths and play to them. Delegate or hire out for your weaknesses.

It’s Okay To Ask For Help

It doesn’t make you weak to focus on our strengths and ask for help with things we struggle with.

It actually makes you pretty damn smart.

While it’s tempting to try and do everything in your business all by yourself, most people can’t do it, even at a small level. It’s too much overload.

And as your business grows, you will have to grow the structure of it. Every business that scales has to grow their structure, whether that is through advisers, employees, or departments.

If something isn’t your core competency, get help.

The appropriate professionals can help you scale your business, because they understand their core competency better than you do.

Whether it is an accountant, a lawyer, a web developer, or other consultant, having those professional allies in your corner can make a monumental difference to your business.

Avatar for John Locke

John Locke is a SEO consultant from Sacramento, CA. He helps manufacturing businesses rank higher through his web agency, Lockedown SEO.

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