Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Links

This site contains some affiliate links. The way affiliate links work is if you click on the link for a specific service, and then make a purchase, I receive a small affiliate commission.

So why do I have these at all?

I don’t believe in writing articles just to get paid. And I won’t ever recommend something I don’t use myself. If I’m linking to a product or service, it’s my integrity on the line, as I’m telling you it’s a good product to use, and it will add value to your business.

The main reason I’m including the occasional affiliate links is strategic industry alliances.

While I can recommend a product or service to clients and readers without adding an affiliate link, the truth is generating business for industry products that I trust and use enables certain doors to be opened that would otherwise not be accessible to me. That’s the story of why I changed my mind about having affiliate links.