Blog: SEO

Shared Hosting Won’t Cut It For Your E-commerce Site

I’m going to cut right to the chase. Shared hosting is inadequate for your e-commerce site. Period. End of story. As a site owner, I admire the fact that you’ve made it this far running on the hosting that you’ve had. But that hosting company you’re with? The one that’s less than $20 a month? […]

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Best Managed WordPress Hosting Companies

Managed WordPress hosting has become a hot product over the last few years. The advantages of good hosting are that your site will load faster, making your customers happy, and helping you rank higher in search engines. Many businesses start out with $10/month shared hosting, which generally sucks. Cheap shared hosting makes money for the […]

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Add A HTML Sitemap To Your WordPress Site

Most of you reading this already understand the impact of search engine rankings. If you can rank high in Google, more potential customers find your business. The more prospective customers that find you, the more paying customers you should have. Except most of you are frustrated by search engine optimization (or SEO). There are actually […]

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Add Advanced Custom Field To RSS Feed In WordPress

One way to move people from being prospects to being customers is to educate them through content marketing. This usually takes the form of blogging, podcasting, videos, or some other form of serialized content, published on your company blog. Many companies use their email newsletter as a way to send their RSS feed directly to […]

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