Blog: SEO

Ordered Lists With A Different Color For Numbers

In HTML, there are two types of lists: ordered and unordered (ol and ul). Ordered lists have numbers for each list-item (li), while unordered lists do not have numbers. Unordered lists are generally used for many different things, like site navigation, widgets with links, bullet-point lists, or any place a set of links might show […]

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Styling the Select Element Consistently in HTML

Getting different web browsers to show the same element the same way can be tricky, especially when it comes to form inputs. One of the most finicky HTML elements to style consistently across different browsers is the select element. Here are some tips for styling the select element to make it look the same from […]

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Webkit Bug Fix: Slider Causes Font Weights To Change On Page

Every browser has it’s own idiosyncrasies. A browser quirk I found in Safari is directly related to pages with a slider located on the page. Specifically, when the slides animate, font weights of various HTML elements somewhere else on the page change when the slides animate. Weird, right? It turns out this is a bug […]

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HTML: Give Parent Div 100% Height Of Child Floated Elements

Many web designers and front end developers have been stumped by this dilemma before. When you have a parent div with only floated child elements inside, how do you give the parent element the height of the floated child elements? Before we look at the answer, let’s look at why this is a problem in […]

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